Meet Molly Weinberg
Lifestyle Blogger
What’s your favorite thing about coming to Heyday?
I feel comfortable and heard at every single visit. I'm never rushed or made to feel uneducated about my skin. I love that the estheticians discuss all options and explain the facial as they go.
What’s the holy grail skincare product or ingredient you can’t believe you used to live without?
Salicylic Acid
What skincare lesson changed your life?
Less is more. And, let the products soak in for at least three minutes before piling on the next!
When do you feel most confident or “at home” in your own skin?
When I have no makeup on, and when I feel really at peace with everything going on in my world. Things may not be perfect, but I'm okay with how things are. The no makeup factor allows me to rub my eyes with no hesitation or kiss without getting lipstick on my husband, and both examples of that are just the best! But at the same time, I love getting all dolled up with a full face of makeup because I feel super confident and no one can rain on my parade. Safe to say, it depends on the day and my mood!
What are your favorite ways to practice self-care?
Alone time. I am such an extrovert, but as much as I'm outgoing and love to socialize I know myself so well and I know I need to be alone with my thoughts for an hour per day or else I become super irritable. I also need some sort of daily movement — a long walk, a sweat at the gym, a virtual Bar Method class, etc.
I feel comfortable and heard at every single [Heyday] visit. I'm never rushed or made to feel uneducated about my skin.
What’s the last thing you read or watched that you’d recommend.
I actually just read the Jessica Simpson autobiography Open Book. It's fantastic and really reminds you to never judge someone without knowing their whole story.
Is there a quote, mantra, or lyric that you live by?
“Make it happen” and “everything happens for a reason.”
What do you do in your 5-9? (outside of work!)
I blog as much as I possibly can! I am a Philly-based lifestyle influencer who takes pride in sharing wellness tips, healthy recipes, and travel hacks.
What advice would you give to your younger self?
Let the little things go and spend more time with the ones you love — life isn't guaranteed.
If you could only follow one Instagram account it would be...
I really love @laurynbosstick a.k.a. The Skinny Confidential. She is so authentic and true to the core.
What in your life are you most grateful for?
My health!
Describe your dream day, temperature/weather-wise.
First of all, sunshine and natural light are a huge part of what makes my good days, good. I despise winter and look forward to spring and summer all year round! A dream day would be waking up around 8 a.m., taking a steamy shower, getting a blow out, enjoying a chaga and oat milk latte (we're getting specific), going for a nice long walk, coming back to enjoy a full brunch spread (GF bagels, vegan cream cheese, eggs, fruit, etc.) then either going to explore a new area, farmers market, pop-up, etc. then coming back home to freshen up and head out for a yummy sushi or Mediterranean dinner! Oh, and weather-wise, the high was 77 and the low was 68.
What’s something you recently learned?
It's actually something I recently taught — I have been teaching how to make certain Persian dishes for my IG followers! Just this past week I taught a tahdig class, plus Persian stew, red pepper dip, and pita class(es).
Do you have a side project or initiative that you want more people to know about?
I just launched a podcast wherein I interview experts in fields ranging from wellness to travel to fashion!
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